Australian Stem Game Design Competition 2023 (Idea)

Building and the Araus: I do not believe that building should be limited to just floors and walls but too much just becomes confusing, so i have devided building into 3 sections:

  • Material (Wood, Concrete and Metal.)
  • Variety (Wall, floor, ramp. etc.)
  • Durability (Health.)
  • This system is simple but incredibly hard for me to explain so let me simplify it:

    There are 3 materials you can use; wood, concrete and metal. Metal being the toughest and wood being the weakest. Wood has many types of stuff to build; walls, floors, ramps, pyramids. etc. but is weaker. Metal little items to build; walls, floors and ramps but is rellay tough. Concrete is in the middle of both of these in terms of durability and variety.

    If you want a nice looking defense, you might use wood and concrete but not much metal. If you want a strong defense you would most likely use all metal.

    * The materials you have varies on how far in the game you are.*

    Australian Stem Game Design Competition 2023 (Idea)

    You might be asking why the Araus is with building but it is because the Araus has upgrades and "power-ups" for your defences such as:

  • Build distance (upgrade).
  • Durability improving (seperate for each material).
  • Build count (how much you can build. E.g 30-40 walls.)
  • More to come with building.
  • Enemies and waves: The whole idea for robots came from No Man's Sky's Sentinels. For the enemies, there will be many, and I mean MANY types of robots, and they come in waves (activated at the Araus). The enemies are put into 5 types:

  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Elite
  • Dooms
  • And some bosses
  • These stages are absolutely everything, lower stages/types are more common and spawn throught the whole game and are weaker, they also give less loot. Stage 1 has 100% spawn rate on the first few waves and gets lower eventually being replaced by harder enemies.